Dom Joly has been at Chatterbox recording his new book The Hezbollah Hiking Club for Little Brown.
Dom was born in Beirut and lived there until he was eighteen. He lived through the civil war, went to school with Osama Bin Laden, and learned to ski and speak French and Arabic. At the age of seven he was sent to an English boarding school, where he would spend term times before returning to his war-torn home. Dom’s parents divorced when he was eighteen and he moved permanently to the UK, becoming a diplomat, a political journalist and then famous as a man who dressed as a giant squirrel. He has only been back to Lebanon twice since.

Upon approaching his fiftieth birthday, Dom had an idea: to walk The Lebanon Mountain Trail with his two best friends, Harry and Chris. He had also read about an attempt to promote tourism in Lebanon by encouraging people to take on this 30-day hiking trail. The Lebanon Mountain Trail runs from the Syrian border in the north of Lebanon, along the spine of the mountain range all the way down to the Israeli border in the south.
The Hezbollah Hiking Club is heart-warming, funny and incredibly fascinating. This will be a brilliant listen!